Intense Exercise for Brain

Six minutes of intense exercise increases the growth of protein useful for the brain.

Auckland: A research survey has shown that high-intensity exercise can produce a very useful protein for the brain, which is very useful for the whole brain.

This protein has been named Brain-Driven Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which increases brain volume, strengthens memory and improves signals between cells. This protein increases nerve cells (neurons) and also increases new brain connections.

If you do only six minutes of high intensity exercise every day, not only BDNF is made, in fact, this protein remains safe in the brain. Earlier, medicine and diet increased this protein in rats and some animals, but these medicines did not work on humans. After this, experts started considering exercise.

Now Professor Trevis Gibbons of the University of Otago in New Zealand and his colleagues took 12 active people from 18 to 56 and gave them three tasks to do to see what process produces BDNF. One group was given 20 hours of starvation, the other was cycled for one and a half hours and six minutes of intense cycling (exercise-like).

It was found that people who did six minutes of exercise and hard cycling increased the production of BDNF in their brains. In fact, the amount of said protein in the blood of some volunteers increased by four to five times, while there was no difference from starving and the cycling for one and a half hours led to only a slight improvement.

This proved that even a little intensity of six minutes of exercise is very useful for the brain and it should be in daily routine. These exercises include brisk cycling, swimming, brisk running and hiking in the direction of the slope.

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