Obesity despite eating less and exercising.

The common mistake that makes you obese despite eating less and exercising

Are you gaining body weight or experiencing other medical problems despite eating less or exercising? So maybe it's the result of a common habit of yours.

Most people know that food intake plays an important role in terms of health and body weight, but researchers have discovered that meal times are also important.

Research reports have found that making more calories in the evening than eating the last meal at night is the best strategy for good health.

The molecular mechanism that contributes to the release of physical energy is related to the physical clock and this body clock controls many aspects of health.

With the passage of time, our metabolism starts to become less effective.

Research on meal times

A recent study published in the Journal Obesity Reviews analyzed 9 clinical trials on 485 adults.

The study found that people who consume most of the day's calories by evening, their body weight is significantly less than other people with improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels and increased insulin sensitivity.

In October 2022, research published in the Journal Cell Metabolism found that eating at night increases the risk of obesity and also increases body weight.

Why is late eating harmful?

The October 2022 study involved 16 people with obesity, set meal times for each, and asked them to eat the same type of food.

In these people, the effects of mealtimes on the body were also evaluated and how the body stores fat.

The results showed that delayed eating habits have negative effects on hormones that contribute to hunger and desire to eat, and people want to eat more.

Research has shown that the body of people who eat late food burns calories slowly and the body starts accumulating more fat.

That is, even if they eat less food, obesity is caused by increasing fat.

Other research reports also found similar results.

A study from Johns Hopkins University found that young people who ate at 10 pm consumed less body fat than those who ate at 6 pm, while their blood sugar levels were 20 percent higher, which increased the risk of type 2 diabetes over time.

According to the researchers, it is clear that it is not only important what you are eating, but also when you are eating.

They said late eating negatively affects blood glucose functions while the body also dissolves less fat.

What time is best for food consumption?

According to researchers, in the morning, our body works better in making insulin, while insulin sensitivity is also higher and muscles can absorb and use blood sugar better.

But as the day goes by, insulin sensitivity decreases, and at night, the cells in the pancreas slow down and react less to blood sugar.

Another important factor is an enzyme called lipase that our fat cells excrete in fat.

This enzyme is more active at night which gives energy to our body parts during sleep.

But the researchers discovered that eating late at night affects the functions of this enzyme and the body dissolves less amount of fat.

Some common things that need to be made a habit

Experts working on eating times have also told such dietary habits that make it easier to reduce body weight by while maintaining good health.

According to them, breakfast should be compulsory, eat dinner early or at least 2 or 3 hours before bedtime, dinner should be the lowest amount of food in the day, while following the same meal times for at least 5 days every week.

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