Do you often forget things? How to improve memory? How to increase memory power? How to improve short-term memory? How to improve memory loss?
The answer to all these questions is hidden in simple ways to improve memory with aging.
Through a few common habits, you can reduce the risk of memory loss and diseases like dementia.
This was revealed in a medical study that lasted for more than a decade in China.
According to research, memory is a part of daily life that declines with age, which in turn increases the risk of dementia.
The study by China's National Center for Neurological Disorders found that combining positive attitudes towards health could significantly slow memory decline.
The study involved 29,000 people and began in 2009.
At the beginning of the study, the memory functions of these people were examined through tests and the elements indicating Alzheimer's disease were examined.
The results showed that the risk of memory impairment could be significantly reduced by including 6 habits in the lifestyle.
According to the research, the use of beneficial foods for health, daily exercise, social interaction, brain activity, avoiding smoking and avoiding alcohol are the best habits for keeping memory functions right with aging.
The study found that consuming foods such as fruits, vegetables, fish, a limited amount of meat, dairy products, eggs, pulses, nuts and tea are beneficial for mental health.
Similarly, writing, studying and playing a game such as cards at least twice per week also benefits memory.
The researchers found that 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, such as walking, also benefited memory.
He said that adopting every habit significantly reduces the speed of memory decline, but a healthy diet is the most important in this regard, followed by brain activity and then exercise.
Research has shown that in people who adopt all these habits, the risk of dementia is reduced by about 90 percent while adopting 2 to 3 habits reduces this risk by 30 percent.
The study results were published in the British Medical Journal.